Wednesday, July 31, 2019

4 Step Process to Contract Law Essay

Question a) Step One The principle of law is that for a valid contract to be formed there must be an agreement reached by both parties. Step Two There are three main elements for the formation of a legally binding contract, intention, agreement and consideration. The requirement that requires discussion here is the existence of an agreement by the parties to enter into a legally binding contract. An agreement means a consensus on at least those essential terms needed for a workable transaction. The process of reaching an agreement is generally analysed as involving an offer and acceptance. Where the offer is a clear indication of the terms upon which a person is prepared to be bound, and an acceptance is assenting to, agreeing, or receiving the terms offered. See more: Basic Economic problem of Scarcity Essay The requirements of an ‘offer’ must be promissory, such as in Placer Development Ltd v Cth (1969) 121 CLR 353 where what the government had said was not a legally enforceable promise, but had appeared to be one. It must be sufficiently complete, and intended to result in a contract if accepted. The requirements of an ‘acceptance’ to exist must be in the same terms of the offer. It cannot still be subject to a condition, such as where it was clear that Cameron had not intended to be bound until a formal contract was prepared and signed, Masters v Cameron (1954) 91 CLR 353. An acceptance must be made while the offer is still in existence. It must be made by a person whom the offer was addressed. If the offer is intended to be made to any person that learns of it then any such person can accept the offer on the stated terms. Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co (1893) 1 QB 256, where Carlill had read an advertisement offering a reward to anyone who caught influenza after buying the company’s smoke ball. Carlill bought the ball and caught influenza, since the offer was made to ‘the world at large’ it is capable to be accepted by anyone who learns of it, including Carlill. An acceptance must be made in acceptable form. In the case of emails, it is considered to have been received when it reaches an information system designated by the person to whom the email is addressed via s 13 electronic Transactions (Victoria) Act 2000 and equivalent legislation in other stated and territories. For the process of offer and acceptance to result in agreement, the terms of the offer must be accepted without suggesting changes. For example, in Olley v Marlborough Court Ltd (1949) 1 KB 532 Olley had her furs stolen in the hotel, and there was a notice in the room notifying that the hotel was not held accountable for stolen goods. This notice was not part of the agreement as it was not in the initial contract and therefore the hotel was made liable. Step Three The review of whether an agreement has been reached between both parties involves determining the requirements of an offer and acceptance have been met. Firstly, for an offer to exist, it must be intended to result in a contract is accepted. The advertisement made by Games Travel Ltd is not viewed as an offer by the courts because advertisements are not intended to signal a readiness to be bound, but rather an invitation asking customers to make an offer to buy. Secondly, for the requirements of an acceptance to exist, it must be in the same terms of the offer. If the advertisement were to be seen as an offer, the terms agreed on would be $1000 for the tickets and tickets to the finals in swimming, archery and gymnastics. Jon only authorized the payment of $1000 as the terms on the offer expressed. As the terms had changed after he had authorized payments, there were no tickets to the gymnastics, which made the offer invalid. Lastly, for the process of offer and acceptance to result in agreement, the terms of offer must be accepted without suggesting changes. The change from $1000 to $2000 breached this requirement. An attempt to accept an offer on different terms should have been constructed as a rejection of the original offer and the making of a counter-offer. Step Four Due to not meeting the requirements of an ‘offer’ through not being intended to result in a contract if accepted, and not meeting the requirements of an ‘acceptance’ by not being in the same terms of the offer, there is no legal binding agreement between both parties and Jon is not obliged to pay $2000 for the plane tickets as there is no authorization for $2000, rather $1000. Question b) Step One The area of law relevant to this question is the review of a contents of a contract enforced between two parties. Step Two There are particulars to a contract which structure its existence. This includes the importance of terms within the contract, the freedom of contract, statements that do not become part of contract, and terms of contract. Within a contract consideration must be made to the creation of the contract. The terms of the contract define the obligations of the parties. It is by analysing the terms that you can find out what has to be done to discharge those obligations. For example in Cehave NV v Bremer Handelsgesellschaft mbH [1976] QB 44; [1975] 3 All ER 739, the buyer Cehave did not want to accept the delivered goods because they were not in ‘good condition’ although they were in satisfactory condition to perform their purpose which was to be used as animal feed. Freedom of contract is the freedom of individuals to bargain among themselves the terms of their own contracts, without external interference. People can negotiate effectively in their own interest and both parties negotiate from a position of equal strength. Limits included on freedom of contract are illegal undertakings not enforceable, such as anything more than minimal regulations and taxes may be seen as infringements. Policy considerations may limit freedom of contract. There are certain statements that do not become part of the contract but are said in negotiations. This includes puffs, opinions and representations. Puffs are statements of exaggerated praise to excite buyers and encourage sales and are without any real or measurable substance. Opinions are statements of personal views or beliefs and should not be relied on as it may be incorrect. If a person misrepresents their true opinion, their statement is treated as a representation. Representations are statements often made to encourage the other party to enter the agreement, without intending that they be contractual promises. For example Oscar Chess Ltd v Williams [1957] 1 All ER 325, the car dealer sued Williams for breach of contract due to the car age document being false. The courts decided the document was a mere representation rather than a contractually binding promise. The terms of a contract describe the entire contents of a legally enforceable agreement. Terms are ‘express’ when they have actually been declared or definitely stated. There are disagreements over whether particular terms have been included in the contract or not. For example Causer v Browne [1952] VLR 1 the statement on the docket was not seen as contractual terms as it was only an identifying docket. A term may also be ‘implied’ into a contract when that term was intended to be part of the contract without being expressly stated or referred to. It can only be implied if it is obvious that the parties had intended to include the term as part of their agreement. Implied terms must be reasonable and fair, be capable of clear, unambiguous expression and it must not contradict any express terms. In Codelfa Construction v State Rail Authority of NSW (1982) 149 CLR 337 Codelfa tried to claim extra payment for the extra costs incurred due to stopping and starting work overnight. The courts rejected this as there was no such term implied that would see unforeseeable stoppage to work and compensation paid out. A breach of contract that causes loss gives rise to a claim for damages. If sufficiently serious, a breach may justify a claim to damages plus a refusal to accept performance. To evaluate the seriousness of a breach various terms are distinguished and some terms are described as ‘conditions’ and the others ‘warranties’. Conditions are terms of fundamental importance to the agreement, whereas warranties are terms of lesser importance than conditions. In a breach of condition an injured party can terminate contract and/or sue for the damages. Whilst in a breach of warranty the injured party can sue for damages. In Associated Newspapers Ltd v Banks (1951) 83 CLR 322 Bancks, the cartoonist had the right to terminate his contract as the promise to publish Blancks drawing’s on the front page of the comic section was a condition term. Step Three Identifying the content of the contract between Jon and Games Travel Pty Ltd shows that there are express terms that exist within the contract. For example, the two tickets for the price of one, and the tickets to the finals in the swimming, archery and gymnastics. These terms are contractual terms and must be carried out as specified by the agreement. The terms sought throughout the contract are categorised as warranties, as they are not terms of fundamental importance. Such terms are the swimming tickets, where Jon had received men’s event and not the women’s. Also, the ticket price was doubled when charged, the initial contract was $1000 which is a warranty term. Terms that are conditional are the actual flight to the Commonwealth Games in India. Breaches of Warranty terms such as the swimming ticket and $2000 charge would be a breach of contract. In such a case, the remedy available for breaching warranties are to claim for damages only. This would include $1000 which Jon was overcharged. Step Four In conclusion, through analysis of the contents of the contract a breach of warranty has arisen. The remedy of such can include a sue for damages incurred.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Business valuation Essay

†¢One of your friends uses the terms ethics and morality interchangeably. You do not think this is correct. How would you explain the difference between ethics and morality? Provide an example of morality and one of ethics in your explanation. Ethics are more about a set of rules for a specific class of people, or a situation. They are more of a set of rules. While morals are more about an individuals’ set of rules for them, what they hold to be right or wrong that they follow to make decisions or take actions. A good example would be a lawyer who is defending a person who has committed a robbery. The lawyer’s morals tells him that the person is guilty, but his ethics tells him that he must defend the person. †¢Select two major ethical theories covered in your readings for Week One. What are the major differences between these two theories? Which one of these theories best aligns with your personal beliefs? Explain. I choose utilitarian theory and deontological theory. Utilitarian theory is to maximize utility as well as maximize happiness while deontological theory refers to following rules or regulations. Utilitarian can be a scenario where it benefits the individual or group say be given a weekend off even though there is still much work to be done, while within the same scenario the employees could almost be forced to work the weekends, even though they are tired and would like to spend time with their families. I prefer utilitarian as maximizing my happiness is important to me. I have worked with companies predominantly the Navy, whose type of theory is deontological. Duty within the Navy is huge, rules create the structure. Knowing that the happiness of myself and my family are a huge part of my determination when making the decision to take a job. †¢What are examples of virtues, values, and moral concepts? How do each of these relate to one another? In what ways are they separate and in what ways are they connected? Virtues are a person’s thoughts and/or actions that are guided by are morals, are morals are what we hold to be true ranging from honesty to being faithful, while are values are simply what he hold to be valuable. They all go together like cogs, working together to reach the same goal, but if one is not there then the whole thing will not work. They are separate because they’re all slightly different, say like parts of a car engine, and yet they are all required in order for the engine to work. If one is not present the engine will not work. †¢In Ch. 6 of Basic Ethics, the author discusses the relationship of religion as it relates to morality and ethics. Using your own personal experiences as a resource, what, if any, relationship exists between religion, morality, and ethics? Explain your answer. †¢Select a public figure from politics or business. Select an ethical theory that seems to best fit this person. Why does this theory seem best? Which theory seems to least suit this person? Why? Hilary Clinton, she would highly appear to follow a deontilogical ethical theory. It seems to suit her and her political career nicely, it just does not seem to be in the best interest of the citizens. Following utilitarianism she would be putting the happiness of the voters and citizens either above her own or at the very least equally. †¢If a person is described as virtuous, is this the same as saying that person is moral or ethical? Why or why not? How would you explain the relationship between these three concepts? Provide examples. If one has to be called ethical or moral I would not say that it means that they are virtuous, but I would say that if someone has to be called virtuous that they would be both ethical and moral. Being virtuous means having or showing high moral standards, so to be virtuous means one would have to have high ethics and high morals. The three work together, morals is doing what is right, ethics is moral principles that govern a person’s or group’s behavior, and being virtuous is a combination of these two as well as going above and always being moral.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Sir Francis Drake Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sir Francis Drake - Essay Example Sir Francis also paved a way for trade to many other nations, including Far East, which made England a spice trade central point. Participation in trade helped Britain gain more popularity and wealth for a long period. Sir Francis was able to raid Spanish successfully through its ports and carried away much wealth to England. Raid activities made him gain a lot of wealth for his nation which was indirectly supported by Elizabeth 1. Sir Francis was also the first adventurer and captain to sail all over the world. 2He had qualities of a leader, since he was able to influence people into obtaining wealth and raiding nation successfully. He had a known behavior of eliminating people who stood on his way towards implementation of his plans. Sir Francis raided ports belonging to other nations, carrying away gold and silver back to his country. Raiding activities made Britain strong in power at the expense of the other nations. Countries like Portugal and Spanish were highly affected and their economy was left unstable. New trade was established to many countries, which acted as an exit for many surplus products produced in several states. Sir Francis was important to Britain for his achievement in bringing more wealth to the country in terms of gold and silver. This move was achieved through raids executed on specific ports where cargo ships were found. 3He also became important to his nation by enabling it control strategic routes on sea to far areas of the world. He made more victories than failures which gave his country a chance to gain great power. Sir Francis was never a victim of failure in any assignment which was ever undertaken on behalf of his country. He was never held back by conscience in attaining victory compared to other adventurers who would retreat due to their inner self. He attained fame through his enemies and not from Englishmen who walked with him. His uniqueness was also based on experience in plundering which substituted

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Government agencies tend to define performance in terms of economy, Assignment

Government agencies tend to define performance in terms of economy, efficiency and effectiveness. What do you understand by thes - Assignment Example The public also fails to appreciate the government for its services and think that it should do more. However, the government performs its major role of providing an enabling environment where this private sector is able to do its activities. The problem is, therefore, the negative public perception towards the government not lack of efficiency, effectiveness or being economic. Introduction A government is a group of people who are chosen by citizens, of a particular, to run various activities on their behalf. The running of the country’s affairs by the people they have elected, requires various resources. The resources needed to run a government are financial resources, human resources, and natural resources. These resources especially the financial resources are not always in good supply. With the current state of uncertainty in resources available to a government, they have to make maximum use of any resource that they have at a certain time. Most governments finance their operations through collecting taxes and then using the money on the basis of how well the money can bring benefits to the people. To know how well the money from tax is utilized, the issue of comparing how well a government and private sector uses a certain amount of money, is the starting point. Discussion A government has its set goals to ensure that it utilizes its resources well. Efficiency is said to be achieved when a government uses a given amount of resources and gets as much benefits as possible from the use of that resource. Efficiency is measured by gauging how great the results or the outputs obtained exceeds cost consumed or resources utilized. Efficiency is a word used to mean how close or far a government or a private organization is, so that it can achieve what it had planned to get or how well they have solved a problem. The two words, efficiency and effectiveness, therefore, are different. Efficiency is measured without paying attention to cost. In efficiency the g overnment tries as much as possible to do an activity well, but in effectiveness the government does the right activity for the citizens. Efficiency, most of the time is associated with the private sector. The private sector are organizations or private people who are investing their resources, with the hope of getting more than what they invested. In this sense, therefore, the private sector is said to be more efficient because they can show how well they have done their activities. For example, since the main focus of private sector is to make big profits, many private companies report to the public how much money they have earned as profit (Starks 22). When people realize that a certain company has made huge profits, they tend to criticize the government for lack of efficiency. The public feels that the government should be able to do many activities using the money it collect from them through taxation. The private sector at times also criticize the government for lack of effici ency. The public also blames the government and demands that it should embrace ways used by the private, but forgets two important issues. The first issue is that the private sector would wish to be given control over the areas that they complain the government is not efficient. (Granof 43). The private sector complains deliberately so that the public would supports them in forcing the government, to give

Strategy-choices and change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Strategy-choices and change - Essay Example The company began to face very tragic problem in 2012 since it started engaging in colossal projects that were unmanageable by its systems and processes leading to higher risks of closure (Cameron, 2015). Immediate change that occurred in late 2012 rescued the company and this included terminating the contract of the then chief executive officer among other minor amendments that took place. In the analysis of the strategic change process, Balogun and Hope Hailey’s Change Kaleidoscope model and Lewin’s Forcefield Analysis was taken into consideration as a change impact (Krogerus, 2013). Johnson’s Cultural Web model and Kotter’s 8 Change Steps model were the other two analytical tools used to analyse the internal features and measure the change in Ascension plc (TED). The model was developed to pull together and systematically arrange a wide range of related features and implementation options that require consideration during the transition. The tool is used in gestating the character of change. The model uses a comprehensive framework that captures all the significant factors as deemed by the instigator. The model discovers the features entailed in a change model; these features are categorized in rings that can spur change, inhibit change or implement change (Norland, 2006). The implementer should therefore comprehend the appropriate features of change to enable them make sound judgment in a particular context. The change kaleidoscope contains eight features: TED strategic change timeline was chosen as three years. The main change agent was Jack Warner who had a limited autonomy leadership style. Jack Warner can be identified as the enabler of change because his introduction spurred a turnover of  £160 million. One of the strategies used in implementing the much-needed change was reducing the size of staff by half. This was a strategy that was devised to maximize productivity using limited resources

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Without positive freedom, it is impossible to lead a valuable life. Do Essay

Without positive freedom, it is impossible to lead a valuable life. Do you agree - Essay Example Therefore, it is true that valuable life might not be achieved in absence of positive freedom, people need to choose the course of their life and destiny without restrictions, freedom is essential also where individual potential is harnessed for the benefit of the whole society although in the process of enjoying this freedom care should be taken to make sure that other peoples liberty is not violated. In the process of enjoying positive freedom equity in opportunity must be regulated or observed, state may intervene to enforce equity and root out other social evils due to positive freedom (Raz, 1988). In a nutshell, complete absence of positive freedom leads to bad and impossible valuable life because every individual wants to operate in an environment which they feel free not intimidating surroundings, this will increase their productivity that in return improve the living condition and life at large for the whole society. A society that feels able to function without interruption although certain aspects must be observed as mentioned above (MacCallum, 1967). Positive freedom acts as an inner driving force in individuals. This equates and augers well autonomy. At the same time, autonomy many a time equates with several aspects that include individuality, integrity, and freedom of the will, responsibility, and critical reflection. In the same way, factors like self-knowledge, independence, freedom from compulsion, lack of external causation and self assertion play vital roles in perpetuating positive freedom. Different people have got varied notions about the steps that others should take to shape their lives. This is because individuals get involved in activities that portray absence of good morals. It has forced researchers to attempt to identify standing reasons that lie behind dissimilar nature of crimes that individuals commit. Even for all their attempts, the researchers are not able to impose their findings about criminology and its associated

Friday, July 26, 2019

Personal Development as a First Line Manager Essay - 2

Personal Development as a First Line Manager - Essay Example Typically, job description for first line managers include but not limited to; employees’ welfare duties, preparation of work schedules, direction of workflows, upward management of employees, and budgeting among others. Below is a personal development plan as a first line manager. Receive academic training on first line management courses, especially on the use of emerging tools and techniques in planning and delegation of duties. Also, receive coaching on development of upward management skills, especially on adherence to organizational values Attend seminars on topics like personal development planning and role assessment exercises. Also, online academic sessions on team dynamics will be beneficial, especially on the use of technology in assessing and maintaining team effectiveness Participate in online discussion forums and assess my proficiency based on technical rating of responses. Also, assess my competence by practically solving team conflicts through skills acquired in the online sessions In first line management, there are situations when multiple duties require relatively similar levels of prioritization. For example, a managing director may direct a first line manager to plan and direct workflows for completion of a batch production within a period of six hours. At the same time, the managing director needs the first line manager to submit a completed work schedule plan within a period of six hours. In addition, some employees require personal attention from the first line manager, which may consume at least two hours of the manager’s busy time schedule. In such a case, the first line manager is faced with multiple situations requiring immediate attention, all stuffed within a restrictive timeframe. Therefore, it is necessary to employ priority determination methods like the ABC Method. ABC Method enables first

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Personal Ethic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Ethic - Essay Example My friends and close family relatives taught me to respect other people, show them empathy and uphold my integrity in order to earn respect from others. In this case, my interactions with friends are based on the ethical values and some important behaviours include calmness, cooperation and mutual trust in resolving conflicts with colleagues. Another behaviour that is important to me is the ability to listen carefully to alternative views and treat others with respect. My personal ethics implies that I am capable of making prudent decisions and handling difficult situations in a group. During situations when my values are in conflict, my integrity and honest takes priority since these values enable me make the most appropriate decision in difficult circumstances. My personal commitment to a world of justice and equal opportunities has shaped my value priorities since integrity enables me do the right thing and remain non-judgmental or desist from conflicts of interest that my hinder me from making the most ethical decisions. Some of the principles that I follow include the trust, privacy, transparency, freedom of speech and conscience. I am reasonable and my personal ethics is guided by the desire to attain justice, autonomy, independence, compassion and respect for others. I can attain these ideal goals through fostering free speech, respecting individual privacy, being trustworthy and ensuring transparency. I will be courageous and I will embody justice in order to make responsible choices. Some behaviours that I advocate for include fair treatment of individuals, fair justice processes, fair compensation and avoidance of bullying or abusive behaviours during conflicts. I am capable of managing situations that may not be aligned with my personal ethics by avoiding my ethical blind spots through considering my ethical principles of independence, justice, autonomy and compassion while interacting with

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The significance of the crucifixion to Anglicans today Essay

The significance of the crucifixion to Anglicans today - Essay Example The doctrines that are directly derived from the events covered in the crucifixion include the salvation of man and the atonement of sin. All the events of the crucifixion play a symbolic role in the life of an Anglican Church believer, and the crucifixion of Jesus holds a lot of meaning and significance for the Anglican believer of today (Williams, 2007). Areas of significance and the meaning of the crucifixion include that the death of Jesus, which paid the price required for redemption from sin. Secondly, the crucifixion unites Christians with the life of Jesus – who took the burden of setting men free – and offers them the commands and the ways to live in the world. Discussion The importance of the crucifixion to the modern Anglican believer is modelled through the context of the crucifixion of Jesus, though his subjection to a Roman capital punishment, which was ordinarily used to punish offenders that committed seditious or political crimes (Williams, 2007). The s ignificance of the punishment was that the offender would be subjected to a cruel form of punishment – but more importantly – the punishment was a publicly displayed type, which sought to spite the offender before other people. From this context of the crucifixion as well as the other events that transpired during the crucifixion, the Anglicans of today view it as the ultimate sacrifice offered to save the human race. The significance of the events can be derived from the fact that God, the father allowed Jesus, the son to go through all the humiliating experiences, so that the prophesy about the redemption of man would be fulfilled. Through the events of the crucifixion, Anglican believers are expected and taught to understand that the experiences of Jesus were supposed to show the pain of sins – which all humans would need to go through – unless Jesus the son of God wiped them away through his death (Wright, 2007). Therefore, the crucifixion is not just a series of events to the Anglican believer of today; it is a symbolic representation of the cost of salvation, which was paid by God – using his son – so that all humans would live free and remain free and covered by God’s grace. The second significance of the crucifixion of Jesus today is that of making the insistence of God’s forgiveness to men. The sacrifice of Jesus was used to signify God’s actions, and not only the repayment of the punishment that men were supposed to bear, due to the sinfulness inherited from Adam’s fall. This is the case because from the early days that preceded the death of Jesus, no one would take the sins of others; therefore, Jesus would literally not take the punishment and the guilt of sinners. The bible says that â€Å"the soul who sins is the one who will die† (Ezekiel 18:1). However, the true meaning of the crucifixion to the modern-day Christian is to show that God can forgive the sins of humanity and fail to impose the penalty of death. This area of significance is very important to the Christian, mainly because it serves as a reassurance that irrespective of their many sins, they will always have a place in the house of God, where they can commune with him as their father (McGrath, 2011). The crucifixion demonstrates the extent of God’s mercy, which was not limited to the Jews, the people that were living during the crucifixion, but also all those that accept Jesus and return to him for forgiveness (Williams, 2007). The wholesome meaning of this significance of the crucifixion is that God is a loving father to all his children, who will welcome the penitent –

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Todays Supply Chain Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Todays Supply Chain - Assignment Example Technology has to be incorporated too to ensure swift and real time communication between in the process. Traits of the best supply chains are characterized by sustained good performance, which can be measured by the rates of deliveries made to customers. Some of the traits include strategic supplier partnership, information sharing, customer relationship, internal lean practices, information quality and postponement. Strategic supplier partnership, involves a long standing relationship between the suppliers and the companies. This is usually designed to align the strategies of the suppliers with that of the company. Secondly, there should be appropriate customer relationship which determines the way in which companies manage the complaints of their customers and maintain a long term relationship. Furthermore there is need to develop a win-win relationship. At the same time, it is important to settle on the effects of a third customer logistic provider relationship on the companies green logistic performance. Thirdly, there is need to develop well defined information sharing between the employees and the customer should be shared with adequate determination on its effects. Information shared should be adequate, accurate, current credible and to ensure enhanced performance and increased relationship. In addition, the supply chain management should be inclusive of the extent to which there are waste elimination practices and creation of value with the chain supply. Lastly a good supply chain practice should determine the postponement endures so as to minimize on the losses. Once a company develops a risk management plan of a supply chain, then it is said to have a mature supply chain. In this case, companies have well assessed risks that can cause a disruption on the normal supply chain and work towards mitigating

Monday, July 22, 2019

Hope Leslie Paper Essay Example for Free

Hope Leslie Paper Essay In Catharine Sedgwick’s novel, Hope Leslie, Magawisca is one of the Main female characters and she runs into many hardships in the book. Magawisca is the daughter of well known Indian chief Mononotto but is separated from her father and her tribe when they are all attacked. After Magawisca and her brother’s mother dies the children get sent to work at the home of the Fletchers an English family. Magawisca gets caught in the middle of two cultures when she is raised by an English family but knows of her original culture, Magawisca responds well and helps the reader understand how big the cultural gap is in the 1600s. Magawisca’s tribe, the Pequots, are attacked by the English and when Magawisca, her brother Oneco and their mother escape they travel to a new city. When Magawisca and Oneco’s mother dies the two kids are sent to Mr. Fletchers home to be Indian servants. After living with the Fletcher family for a while Magawisca’s father, Mononotto, appears at the Fletchers abode. With the feeling that the Fletchers have captured his son and daughter, Mononotto kills all of the Fletchers but one much against Magawisca’s protest. Magawisca begs and pleads against her father’s actions but does no good, she wants to save what is considered her family for a short but meaningful amount of time but doesn’t want to go against her father’s will. Magawisca is thrown into a very hard situation but handles everything calmly and maturely. She is stuck between two cultures that despise each other but she ends up with her tribe the Pequot’s for a long time. In a time of need Magawisca still helps the one remaining Fletcher child by risking her own limb to protect part of her â€Å"family†. Towards the end of the book Magawisca has taken both sides, the English and the Pequot’s and that pays off. When Magawisca is captured by the English the remaining Fletcher child puts his own safety in danger to help save Magawisca. Magawisca never broke down or really chose sides but she is in fact always there for both of her â€Å"tribes†. This book was places in the 1600’s and Magawisca’s predicament really helps the readers understand the cultural gap between The Indians and The English.  The hatred between the two cultures is so large that they destroy each other. Magawisca shows the line between the Indian tribes and the English where as she isn’t fully accepted in either culture. For spending time with the English I’m sure some members of the Pequots find her as a trader and for originating and being known as a Pequot she is never truly accepted by the English. Although Magawisca gets caught in the middle of two cultures when she is raised by an English family, Magawisca responds well and helps the reader understand how big the cultural gap is. Without Magawisca really drawing the line between the two cultures the readers wouldn’t have gotten a full picture of how big the division between the two cultures are. Magawisca is really a main character because of the bond she shares with both cultures.

Existentialism is a Humanism Essay Example for Free

Existentialism is a Humanism Essay In Existentialism is a Humanism, Sartre explains that in human beings, â€Å"existence precedes essence. † Meaning, humans are created without any purpose, but with growth and maturing they find their purpose. J. P. Sartre gives the example of the paper clip, noting that this inanimate object was created with the intent of a purpose. Therefore, that idea lead to it’s creation. He uses this example to demonstrate â€Å" essence precedes existence. † He states, â€Å" man is nothing else, but what he makes of himself. † Simply put, us as humans are first born than we create our own paths in our lives and who we shall be in life. This explains that through our actions and decisions we make in our lives, molds us into the beings we become. Further mentioning that we are the choices we make, are we responsible for who are as individuals because of that. Sartre goes on to say there are two kinds of existentialists. One of them being Christians, Catholics, or people who believe in God. As well as atheistic existentialists who do not believe in God such as himself. However, one thing they share is both groups believe in the idea of â€Å" existence precedes essence. † But, those who believe in God believes God was a superior power who created people with a purpose, which ties into the idea of the paper clip. With that being said, though men has diverse traits and characteristics, they share the same basic qualities because if human nature. On the other hand, the atheistic view believes God is nonexistent and a man starts as nothing and later defines himself. Therefore, Sartre states, â€Å"There is no determinism, man is free, man is freedom†¦. We have no values or commands to turn to which legitimize our conduct. † In other words, we have no excuses, and we are entirely responsible for our decisions. Therefore, there is no God to provide guidance on the proper way to live and we must find that out through our choices. He goes on the idea of subjectivism, saying that one man’s acts creates the image of every man as a whole. Which, develops the idea of what men ought to be as individuals. Sartre also replies that, â€Å"it is impossible for man to transcend human subjectivity. † He isn’t saying â€Å"I prefer subjectivity over objectivity,† he’s asking, â€Å"how can we possibly not be subjective? † Even the religious individual who believes that morality is absolute and comes from God must, at some point, choose to believe that this is the case. Our responsibility is a blessing and a curse. It leads us to feel things like anguish and despair. We experience anguish in the face of our subjectivity, because by choosing what we are to do, we â€Å"choose for everyone†. When you make a decision you are saying â€Å"this is how anyone ought to behave given these circumstances. † Many people don’t feel anguish, but this is because they are â€Å"fleeing from it. † If you don’t feel a sense of anxiety when you make decisions, it’s because you are forgetting about your â€Å"total and deep responsibility† toward yourself and all of humanity. Despair arises because we only have power to change things that are within our power to change, and there is a lot we cannot change. With that being said, reality is unbiased and out of our control, except for small aspects of it here and there. We despair because we can never have full control of the future. However, we are the rulers of our lives, we take the responsibility of our actions and ourselves in general. Regardless of what you believe, this cannot be any other way.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Hvac System To Water Cooled Chiller Construction Essay

The Hvac System To Water Cooled Chiller Construction Essay Many studies, empirical analysis, and energy consultants repeatedly claim that there is a large unexploited economic potential for saving energy. Usually, this potential is estimated to be in the range of 10 20 %.This dissertation explores the determinants which influence the management of energy efficiency in commercial building, and discuss possibilities how to support the exploitation of energy saving measures. The theoretical concept is based on the ideas of behavioral decision theory and recent research in the field of organization development. In this view, energy related behavior and decision making in commercial building are formed by ability and the readiness to act of the person involved, and by the internal organizational structure, corporate routine and values. Conducting the initial energy audit is a critical hurdle for energy efficiency, regardless whether the audit is integrated in an energy management process or a stand alone activity. The initial energy audit requires readiness to act, considerable effort and an extensive amount of practical and methodical knowledge and know how, which commercial building do not possess. We do the modeling by using the simulate a commercial building. As an example, we identify and thoroughly describe energy saving measures within building heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Taking into account the conditions of initial energy audit, we modal the measurement in such a way that, apart from basic data no further measurement are required to come to conclusion. The information necessary is acquired using formula, data tables, rule of thumb, estimate and cover in a simplified calculating costs of labor, material, equipment of HVAC equipment and system and how to calculate the resultant energy saving. Acknowledgements Abbreviations, Units and Conversion Factor List of symbols Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 Background The use of air conditioning in Hong Kong attributes a large proportion of our total electricity consumption, due primarily to its geographic location and economic activities. In 2004, air conditioning accounted for 30% of the total electricity consumption. Our electricity consumption by air conditioning had a growth of about 17% from 1994 to 2004. The use of air conditioning is expected to grow further in view of our increasing population and economic activities. We therefore need to take measures to improve our energy efficiency, in particular, on air conditioning. Currently, a large amount of energy is being consumed by HVAC systems in buildings. According to the statistics from the Hong Kong SAR government, about 17% of the total energy, which is about 30% of the electric energy (Chow 2006) is being consumed by HVAC systems in buildings. Therefore, energy conservation of HVAC systems in buildings will clearly have a sizeable impact on total energy consumption. Up to date, a lot of efforts have been made in various buildings to minimize the energy consumption in HVAC systems. For example, Marriott (2006) proposed three approaches that can be easily applied in buildings to improve the energy efficiencies of HVAC systems. The approaches are optimizing the supply air temperature, recovering energy from condenser water and making use of the geothermal heat pump system. According to a study conducted by the EMSD, the energy saving from various types of the water-cooled air conditioning system ranges from 14% to 35%. The capital cost of evaporative water-cooled air conditioning system is about 15%Â  lower than air-cooled air conditioning system on new system basis. Hence, if the conversion of existing air-cooled air conditioning system to evaporative water-cooled air conditioning system can be planned at the end of economic life of existing air-cooled air conditioning system, it is likely to have a reduction in replacement cost for choosing evaporative water-cooled air conditioning system in lieu of air-cooled air conditioning system. The operating life of air-cooled packaged chiller condensers is around 15 years while for fresh water cooling towers is around 20 years. Chan (2006) proposed optimum control logic for the HVAC system of a building in Hong Kong, which minimized the mismatch of cooling load demand and chilled water flow demand. Around 435,000 kWh was saved by the developed control logic from June 2003 to May 2004. Mathews et al. (2002) developed a simulation tool, QUICK control. It estimates the effect of different control strategies on the energy saving performance in various buildings. Effects of control strategies such as fan scheduling, set point setback, economizer cycle, new set point, fan control, heat plant control, etc. can be investigated in detail this simulation tool. Mathews et al. used this simulation tool to study the energy saving potential in a conference center in South African. A new control strategy was developed with the aid of this simulation tool. It was predicted that about 58% of the HVAC system energy could be saved. Chan (2006) and Mathews et al. (2002) showed that besides the energy efficiency of the machines (chillers, pumps, fans, etc.), control strategy also plays a very important role on HVAC energy consumption. Kim et al. (2001) conducted a computational fluid dynamic simulation for analyzing the indoor cooling/heating load. It was coupled with a radioactive heat transfer simulation program and a simulated HVAC control system. The output of the simulated HVAC control system can be fed back to the boundary condition of the CFD simulation program and the indoor environment was simulated. New control signal can then be determined based on the indoor environment. Energy saving performance of the control strategy can be investigated accurately. With the same simulation program, thermal comfort can also be estimated by the calculated indoor status using PMV based approach. In this paper, a practical study on energy saving in a commercial building was carried out. Chillers, pumps and the control system were retrofitted based on the analysis of the characteristics of commercial building cooling load. Energy conservation performance of the retrofit was investigated. 1.2 Research questions The aim of this dissertation has been to be answered and prices calculated regardless of what the retrofit involves. What various options are available to rectify this waste, what is the retrofit cost of each and how much will each save in energy cost? What is realistic purchase prices of any equipment needed? How much labor is needed to remove the old one and install the new one What piping, valve and ductwork change will be needed? Hoe much labor will be involved in draining original system, flushing, pressuring, testing and refilling new system and start up? How much will be needed for balancing and adjusting the system and monitoring energy costs? And lastly, the big question, what will the energy saving be with this approach and what is the payback and return on investment? It is absolutely necessary to obtain this information and compare the various avenues available and make a wise decision based on accurate and thorough cost projections and energy saving. 1.3 Research objectives 1.3.1 Main objective The main of the objective is to consideration of perform various retrofit change, calculate the energy saving and the renovation costs. It provides procedure and formulas for energy program, audits, engineering and estimating. 1.3.2 Specific objective The focus of this dissertation is placed on the specific objective is thinking about energy conservation in HVAC system in the following manner. Generalities: Start off energy conservation program thinking in terms of principles or generalities and then follow up with particulars. Think about reducing HVAC loads, O M saving, improving efficiency of equipment and system, reducing flow, etc. Specific: After a general concept is formed then think in terms of specific heating and cooling equipment, particular HVAC system, piping system, ductwork system, insulation, control, etc. Load Variation: Think about hoe the building cooling load may vary due to occupancy, the shifting sun, operations, etc. and about which cooling loads are constant on a daily basis without variation. Low Cost, No Cost Item: Think in terms of no cost, low cost energy saving measures which can be done easily and quickly and which may have phenomenal payback. Capital Investment Item: Then think in term of capital investment energy improvement searching for those with the greatest energy savings and the highest rate return or fastest payback. Electrical: Distinguish electrical consumption cost of fans, pumps, chillers, condenser, cooling tower, lighting etc. 1.4 Research methodology This dissertation using the regression analysis method for establishing the commercial baseline. Regression analysis involves finding the relationship that shows how energy use alters with changes to an independent variable or variables. This relationship can be used to quantify energy use for different values of the independent variables. Data is collected over the same time period and interval for the proposed independent variables and the dependent variable, in this case energy consumption. The data is then analyzed to develop an equation, generally linear, that describes the relationship or regression line. This line is an estimate of the dependant variable for values of the independent variable or variables. Independent variables that affect energy consumption can include factors such as production rate, product mix, raw material, occupancy and ambient temperature. 1.5 Structure of the dissertation Chapter 2 provide review of existing literature for actual research process of energy saving technique, thereby providing the basis technical information for the energy saving. The chapter begins by estimate the energy auditing for the commercial building and then provides the energy consumption of the commercial building and a methodology for retrofit cost and analysis, financial evaluation. Chapter 3 addresses research methodology used to generate the energy conversion model for the process used in this study. In additional to this, data collection for Secondary data and Primary data are defined. Chapter 4 deals empirical simulation using case studies of actual commercial building. This lead to discuss on the procedure and applicability of the models for auditing, retrofit Cost and Analysis, financial Evaluation, as well as an explanation of the energy cost saving that can be obtained as a result. Chapter 5 concludes the theoretical and the empirical findings and closes the research report by summing up the results and providing ideas for further research. 2. Literature Review 2.1 Energy Audit The purposed of an energy audit is to determine the energy consumption and cost of overall building and of its specific components, the structure, system and equipment. It is to generate energy improvement options, to project energy saving, to estimate the cost of energy improvement, calculate payback, and on this basis evaluate the various options. The code of practice mentions the energy audit in Hong Kong. As state by EMSD, (2010) the technical guidance and details in respect of the energy audit requirements under the Ordinance. Energy audits conducted in accordance with this Energy Audit Code are deemed to have satisfied the relevant requirements of the Ordinance in the technical aspects. Energy Audit Code is developed by the EMSD in conjunction with various professional institutions, trade associations, academia and government departments. (EMSD 2007) In fact, the guideline of energy audit indications that an effective energy management tool. By identifying and implementing the means to achieve energy efficiency and conservation, not only can energy savings be achieved, but also equipment/system services life can be extended. All these mean savings in money. Based on the principle of The less energy is consumed, the less fossil fuels will be burnt, the power supply companies will generate relatively less pollutants and by-products. Therefore, all parties concerned contribute to conserve the environment and to enhance sustainable development. (International Congress ISPE/PDA Pharmintech 2010) Given that case study at Sanofi Midy Research Center covers a renovation of a research centre included the data collection review of the documentation it is possible to identify the facility weak points. The example of site survey for verify the consistency of the documentation and the identify the major problems to identify areas more easily upgradeable According to recent research by (Robert Greenwald 2004), are presentations the overview of the energy audit and conducting the energy audit process included data gathering, utility analysis, inventory and review of equipment performance, measurements and monitoring, identify potential energy conservation measures, analysis of saving potential, financial analysis and reporting. The (Minnesota Legislature and the Governor commissioned the Minnesota Department 2007) of Commerce to work with the University of Minnesota, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU), and state agencies to identify barriers, describe the costs and benefits of actions that would lead to an annual 1.5 percent energy savings energy used in buildings, and develop policy recommendations that could lead to those actions. The report provides background on energy savings in government buildings and addresses the questions asked by the state law. It also found that state government-owned buildings are a significant potential source of energy savings. The government is in a unique position to think about the long-term implications of present day decisions. Through leading by example, the government can serve as a platform for the development and implementation of energy savings programs, policies and technologies. That said, there are information, organization, and resource barriers t o achieving energy savings in Minnesota government buildings. 2.2 Energy Saving Technical As a corollary (ASHRAE 2011) provide recommendations to design a low-energy-use building and is not a minimum code or standard. The Guide provides both multidisciplinary design strategies and prescriptive design packages to significantly reduce energy consumptions in small to medium office buildings. Even though several design packages are provided in the document, this Guide represents a way, but not the only way, to build energy-efficient small to medium office buildings with 50% energy savings. Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings. Use of this Guide can help in the design of major renovations that consume substantially less energy compared to the minimum code-compliant design, resulting in lower operating costs. This Guide presents a broad range of subject matter, including broad concepts such as the integrated design process, multidisciplinary design strategies, and design tips and good practices on specific energy systems, while the focus of this G uide, especially the later chapters, is on building and system details that can help achieve the desired results. (Dr. James Brodrick, 2002) disturb on surveys of the HVAC literature, identified 170 technology options that could potentially reduce the energy consumption of HVAC systems in commercial buildings. After developing first-cut energy savings potential estimates for each option, 55 options were selected for further study in consultation with a range of HVAC experts Each of the 55 options received further study, including more detailed investigation of their technical energy savings potential, current and future economics (cost), barriers to achieving their full market potential. Many of the 40 technologies have significant technical energy savings potentials. Many of the 15 technologies selected for refined study have significant technical energy savings potential, combined with attractive or reasonable simple payback periods. Three of the options, Novel Cool Storage, Variable Refrigerant Volume/Flow, and Adaptive/Fuzzy Control, had highly variable simple payback periods that did not re adily translate into an average simple payback period, while the simple payback period for Microenvironments exceeded 100 years. Except the above energy saving potential of Literature Review, some valuable Specific topics are shown as below. 2.2.1 Automatic Tube Cleaning System As the condenser is an important component in the chilled water system, the operating condition of the condenser is the key factor that affects the efficiency of the unit. However, the condenser will be seriously deteriorated by the debris and foul ants accumulated in the tubes of the condensers. When fouling and scaling in the condenser increase, the heat transfer efficiency will be decrease, resulting in more power consumption of the chiller. The Engineering Department of The Park Lane hotel identified the above problem and started to install an automatic tube cleaning system called CQM for chiller in October 2003. The system has been running for 12 months. Feedback from operators and engineers are good, In the COP comparison approach, the percentage of energy saving was 11.9% and the average COP was improved from 3.7 to 4.2. ( Richmond Consulting Engineers, 2005 ). Further more, (Wallace Wu Dave Chan, 2003) proves that estimate the improvement on COP is around 11.8% and CQM Automatic Tube Cleaning System can greatly improve the heat transfer efficiency of the condenser tube and save significant amount of energy in water cooled chiller. Besides, from the economic analysis, it shows that the payback is less than 2 years. 2.2.2 Retrofit of the HVAC system to Water Cooled Chiller The (EMSD 2000) of HKSAR completed a Preliminary Phase Consultancy Study (PPCS) regarding Wider Use of Water-cooled air conditioning system in Hong Kong was completed in April 1999. The PPCS established the technical viability of the wider application of WACS and its economic/environmental benefits. The implementation study for WACS in Hong Kong was commissioned in 2000 to examine in greater details on technical viability, financial viability, infrastructure works, land use, traffic impact, environmental/health issues, and regulatory control; especially for nondomestic buildings. A study guide done by HKUST Research, (2005), describe energy saving in a hotel HVAC system was carried out. It included replacement of the chillers and pumps. In review the retrofit of the hotel HVAC system, the improved energy efficiency resulted from three aspects, i.e., improved energy efficiency of the chillers, improved energy efficiency of the pumps and the intelligent control system. Comparing the COPs of the original and the new chillers, it is seen that the new chillers has an energy efficiency about 18% to 36% higher than the original chillers which may contribute to about 14.4% to 28.8% of the total energy saving. The efficiency of the new pumps is estimated to be 30% higher than the original pumps. As the pumps generally consume about 20% of the total chiller/pump system energy, the replacement of the pumps contributes to about 6% of the total energy saving. Then, the remaining 27% to 45% of the energy saving should result from the intelligent control system. With the new system, 63% to 74% of the chiller/pump energy was saved. The result shows that a considerable amount of energy can be saved in hotels with a good control syst em and high efficiencies of the chillers and pumps. (Kenny Chan 2009) research claims the investigate for sustainable design and life cycle costing considerations in adopting relevant air-conditioning system to cater for long range planning in facility/maintenance management. Form the research and analysis, conversion from ACAS to WCAS would save around 35% running costs. 2.2.3 Variable speed drives A case study done by ( G Jones 2009) to compares the energy consumption of the centrifugal fan when driven by a star/delta starter and using variable speed drives to control motor speed. During the initial monitoring of the energy consumption, the centrifugal fan was controlled by the original star/delta starter. This had been the method of controlling the fan since the machine was initially installed/ commissioned. After the fan had been running for over 390 hours the exact run-time and energy consumption was recorded. The Motor Control Warehouse then replaced the star/delta starter for a 22kW open loop Inverter. After optimizing the Inverter settings, the fan was used in normal production and after approximately 300 hours, as with the star/delta starter the exact run-time and energy consumption was recorded. Changing the 22kW centrifugal fan control from a star/delta starter to an Inverter introduced an energy saving of 41.3%. ( Lappeenranta x.x.2008 ) analyses the calculation of Fan and Pump energy saving tools calculation. With these programs energy consumption of variable speed drive control for fans and pumps can be compared to other control methods. With Fan centrifugal and axial fans can be examined and Pump deals with centrifugal pumps. By means of these programs also suitable frequency converter can be chosen from the ABB collection. 2.3 Conclusion on the literature review The chapters above have discussed the related information for the dissertation to assist estimate, measure, evaluate and track energy savings, quantifiable costs and benefits created as a result of implementing energy efficiency opportunities. Specific improve the understanding of how to forecast and measure energy savings, realize energy savings by accurately quantifying the whole of business costs, benefits and payback of energy efficiency opportunities, determine the economic value of an energy efficiency opportunity so that investment quality information is provided to company decision makers and quantify the accuracy range for each stage of the energy savings analysis. 3. Methodology 3.1 Research Methodology This dissertation is descriptive in nature: it aims to describe the energy saving of the commercial building. Time wise, it focuses on the year 2009, when the research was carried out. Changes in commercial buildings energy consumption between earlier studies and the present one are also observed. To construct a comprehensive picture of the studied phenomenon, the present research utilized both quantitative and qualitative data and means of analysis. This study is divided into two parts. The theoretical part of the study is a literature review. This existing theory was used as a conceptual tool to gain a more structured understanding of the energy consumption and saving potential of commercial building. Based on the theoretical part, an initial understanding of the commercial building of energy use was built. The empirical part of the study consisted of one case studies that provided energy consumption of commercial building and the building description of Category, Heating and cooling system, etc. should be present. The research focused on describing the situation of the problem with the existing HVAC system and building and proposed energy saving method of renovation. The data collected in the theoretical part was also utilized in the empirical part in estimating the current energy consumption of commercial building. 3.2 Data Collection 3.2.1 Secondary data collection Secondary data sources were utilized both in the theoretical part and the empirical part of this study. Most of the sources used in the literature review were either article published in journals and in industry magazines or conference papers that were accessible through the databases of the Public library. In addition, publicly available resources such as reports from EMSD were used. The secondary data collected for the empirical part consisted of technical details from device manufacturers websites. 3.2.2 Primary data collection The primary data for this research was collected used Hong Kong energy efficiency and conservation competition awards were organized by EMSD. These were used in the empirical part of the study. To estimate the energy consumption of the commercial building in Hong Kong. The dissertation consult the competition awards of the energy saving method to adopted for estimate the energy saving. 3.2.3 Problems related to data collection The energy analysis was the most problematic part of the data collection phase. This was due to involve much formulation of the questions and lack of open source. It turned out that did not have such information. In the device convergence case, the purpose was to compare devices in terms of their life cycle energy consumption. However, life cycle energy data was available for only a few products. Information on the weight of the products was readily available on the manufacturers web sites. In turn, data from which energy consumption could be estimated had to be collected from various sources, including Manufacturer technical report, product descriptions at Internet retailers websites and external party sites. Even so, the data sometimes had to be completed with educated guesses. 3.3 Data analysis The collected data help to develop a strategic plan for energy decisions, just as they would for other key business decisions. A major focus of an energy management plan is performing a self-assessment to identify energy savings opportunities. 4. Results, discussion and evaluation The typical 34 storey Commercial Building situated at Causeway Bay of Hong Kong Island. used as an caste study in this dissertation was built in 1992. Overall the HVAC, electrical and plumbing system in the building consumed total $ 8 million for the year. Generate and develop potential energy saving improvement, operation and maintenance correction, reducing flows and resistance of HVAC system, considering more energy efficient equipment and system, lighting, electrical, control, heat recovery possibilities, solar, etc. Then, calculate the potential energy saving of the various improvements and estimate the retrofit costs involved. Lastly, evaluate payback and return on investments. 4.1 Energy Auditing An energy audit involves the systematic review of the energy consuming equipment/systems in a building to identify energy management opportunities, which provides useful information for the building owner to decide and implement energy saving measures for environmental consideration and economic benefits. The purpose of an energy audit is to determine the energy consumption and costs of the overall building and its specific components, the structure, system and equipment, it is to generate energy improvement options, to project energy saving, to estimate the cost of energy improvement, calculate payback, and on this basis evaluate the various options. A good audit is diagnostic in nature, develops a valid prognosis of the cause of energy wastes, and leads to scientific establish remedies. There are two basic phases phase or type of audit, short walk through audits and in depth detail audits, either of the entire building or of only select parts of building. 4.1.1 Collecting Building Information The audit team should then proceed to collect information on the building. The information should include:- General building characteristics such as floor areas, numbers of end-users, construction details, building orientation, building facade, etc.; Technical characteristics of energy consuming equipment/ systems, design conditions and parameters; Building services design report with system schematic diagrams and layout drawings showing system characteristics; Equipment/system operation records, including data logs of metered parameters on temperature, pressure, current, operational hours, etc.; Record of EMOs already implemented or to be implemented; Record of maximum demand readings; OM manuals and testing and commissioning (TC) reports Energy consumption bills in previous three years. In general, it should be assumed that the building manager would have information on general building characteristics and the OM personnel would keep the equipment/system technical and operation records. The audit team should determine the appropriate parties to be approached for information collection, the need to discuss with these parties for familiarization of the building, the equipment/ systems to be investigated and data verification and the need to discuss with selected end-users. The audit team should consider issuing questionnaires to end-users to collect information on thermal comfort, lighting comfort, operational hours of individual floors/offices, electrical equipment and appliances, etc. 4.1.2 Conducting Site Survey and Measurement More activities should include the following actions:- Proceed to plan the site survey for the areas and the equipment/systems to be investigated. Develop energy audit forms to record the findings. Plan ahead on the site measurement to supplement or verify the information collected. The measurements should focus on equipment/systems that inadequate information is available to determine their efficiency and equipment/systems that appear to be less efficient. 4.1.3 Analyzing Data Collected At this stage of the audit, the audit team has collected a lot of information on:- Equipment/system characteristics obtained from site surveys; Equipment/system performance data obtained from OM log sheets; Equipment/system performance data obtained from site measurements; and Equipment/system operating conditions of equipment/systems based on design and/or general engineering practices. Based on the above, the audit team should screen and spot the parameters with values and trends that deviate from what would be anticipated or required respectively. These are the potential EMOs. However, they should take into account the analysis of the irregularities caused by changes in occupancy or other activities. 4.1.4 Costing To identify the improvement works for the potential EMOs, calculations should be performed to substantiate the improvement works by quantifying energy savings. In evaluating the effectiveness of an EMO, the auditor has to calculate the payback period, net present worth or rate of return. Most calculations can be done using simple payback approach by dividing the EMOs capital cost by the cost of anticipated annual energy saving to obtain the payback period in years. However, if there are appreciable deviations between the trends of energy cost and the interest rate or if the capital costs of EMOs are to be injected at different stages with different energy savings achievable at different times, the audit team may have to perform a life cycle cost assessment that can better reflect the cost effectiveness of EMOs. 4.1.5 Annual Monthly Energy Consumption Profile Based on the energy consumption bills over past years (preferably 3 or more), the auditor should estimate the annual energy use of the building. Graphs of energy consumption against different mon

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Macbeth--a Tragic Hero Essay -- essays research papers

MacBeth In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the character of Macbeth is discovered to be a classic example of a tragic hero. Macbeth is a very ambitious and courageous person who lets three main things turn him into a violent individual. Two of the points, which most greatly contribute to Macbeth’s fall, are the prophecy, which were told to him by the witches, and how Lady Macbeth influenced and manipulated Macbeth's judgment. These two factors along with his tremendous ambition to be king is what caused him to fall from a noble man who was loyal to his king to a violent man who would kill his king to become king! The prophecies, which were told by the witches, was one of the factors that contributed to the fall of his character. If the witches would not have told him that he was going to become the Thane of Cawdor, Thane of Glamis, and King of Scotland, maybe Macbeth would not have went on this killing rampage and maybe order would have still been in Scotland. The only thing the prophecies did was, boost Macbeth’s ambition to be king and to control the future. When the witches told Macbeth all these good things, Macbeth felt as if he could not be beaten. He felt as if every thing was going like he wanted it to. That is until he hears the apparitions. The influence of Lady Macbeth also contributed to the fall of Macbeth’s character. Lady Macbeth's character in the beginning reveals that she is a lovable person. We find out later that in actuality Lady Macbeth was...

George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 Essay -- essays research pa

Nineteen Eighty-Four is a compelling novel, written in the period just after W.W.II. It details the life of one man, Winston Smith, and his struggles with an undoubtedly fascist government. The book is set approximately in the year 1984, in which Winston's society is ruled by a governing force known as "The Party". At the head of this government is a fictional figure known as Big Brother, to whom all citizens must love and respect. In this society, privacy and freedom do not exist. People are constantly monitored by telescreens, and subjected to a constant barrage of propaganda. Any devious thought or action is dealt with by cruel and deadly punishment. Winston is a worker in one of the government agencies. His job: to rewrite the past so that The Party, specifically Big Brother, appears to be omnipotent. From as long as he can remember, he has despised The Party and what it stood for, although he doesn't reveal his true feelings to anyone around him. When Winston begins a torrid love affair with one of the young women in his agency named Julia, he finds someone else who shares in his beliefs. The two have several meetings throughout the book, in which they discuss their hatred for the government. They join a secret alliance called The Brotherhood, who's specific purpose is the end of The Party. Through the literature of The Brotherhood, they learn about the inner workings of The Party and how it accomplishes its stronghold on the people. The world as Winston knows it comes crashing down when he and Julia are arrested by the thought police, a faction of the government which deals with those who do not agree and abide by the ways of The Party. They are taken to a prison unlike any other. Winston is constantly tortured and beaten, until he confesses to crimes which he didn't commit or never even happened. If the party just killed Winston right away, they might run the risk of making a martyr out of him. Instead they re-educate him with the morals of The Party, using such techniques as pain, starvation, and using Winston's greatest fear against him. Once re- educated, he is introduced back into society. But he is not the same person, just a hollow shell. Winston had once said in the novel that if he could die hating Big Brother, then he would have won. But when Winston is finally killed, the only thing he can think is that he love... ...ten path in search of a greater truth. The novel also caused myself to reflect upon how important it was that such tyrannical dictators such as Hitler have been stopped, sometimes with great costs, from making life unbearable. Reading this novel gave me a great sense of hope for human kind, as we have been able to keep totalitarian movements under control. Maybe sometimes people can get carried away with a lust for power, but it will always come back to living in a society that is tolerable to everyone. It is safe to say that a Utopian society will never exist, but we must make an effort to get as close as we can. Many disputes which occur today are because of petty differences between people. Although there are some flaws in human nature, we have always been able to keep from digging a grave too deep to climb out of. It is scary to think how close the world could have come to having a society like the one in Nineteen Eighty Four, and know that we as humans have to gain a better understanding of one another. I enjoyed reading this book because not only did it give the reader something exciting to read, but it also was able to put an interesting perspective on life itself.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Illuminati Essay -- Government, Masons

In a system that claims to be democratic, a question of its legitimacy remains. Does the American public really have the power that the government says that we do? Conspiracies concerning the government have always been the center of many discussions and arguments. Cases like the Kennedy assassination, to even Elvis stories have gained a lot of attention. One conspiracy that has missed the public eye is the existence of the Illuminati. The word Illuminati derives from the Latin word Illumine, which means, â€Å"To be enlightened.† (The history of the Illuminati. Myron Fagon Epic Tree Video, 1964). They feel that they are superior and possess a higher level of intellect. Their goal is create a one-world government, which is known as the â€Å"New World Order.† (Still, Willam T. New World Order: The ancient Plan of Secret Societies. Fresno, California: Expression Publishing P. 23) Their means by achieving this exists through the media and the money system. In the followi ng paragraphs I will prove the existence of the Illuminati, the part that our government in conjunction with the world governments play in the â€Å"plan;† and how the Masons tie into this conspiracy. (The history of the Illuminati. Myron Fagon Epic Tree Video, 1964) The Illuminati has existed since ancient times. The ancient Africans were part of this elite group. Through times and generations, the Illuminati has re-incarnated itself. (Debarros, Jason. Personal Interview. 4 Apr. 2000.) This reincarnation took place in 1776 by German Adam Weinsap. Adam Weishaupt was a professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt. He started the Order of the Illuminati on May 1, 1776, originally calling it the Order of â€Å"Perfectibilists.† His plan was to use the Grand Orient Lodges of Europe as a filtering mechanism through which to screen out talent and build a hierarchy of inner circles. (The history of the Illuminati. Myron Fagon Epic Tree Video, 1964) The word Illuminati was viewed as an â€Å"evil† term and was never used during the 1800’s. (The history of the Illuminati. Myron Fagon Epic Tree Video, 1964) As time went on, power was gained. What many do not know is that the Illuminati was behind this killing of the Rominovs, the Czar of Russia along with his family. (Carr, William Guy. Pawns in the game San Fransisco: Imation Publishing 1977) This occurred because the Czar learned of the Illuminati’s plan. What m... ...i? Why did the Masons give us this statue? Why is the Money system set up in the same way across the world? Why is our Nation’s capitol embedded with Masonic and Satanic symbols? And furthermore, why did the US senate not ratify the Treaty of Varona once it was brought to their attention? These are questions that everybody needs to examine. The US government has always been covering their tracks and many pieces to our historical puzzle have not fit. Now they do, and as the picture comes into focus, the American public needs to take a deep look at how society and politics work, and look beneath the surface. Works Cited: Morey,Robert. The Truth About the Masons. Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, 1993 Austin, S; â€Å"The End†: Priority Records 1998 Carr, William Guy. Pawns in the game San Fransisco: Imation Publishing 1977 Cooper, William. Behold a Pale Horse. Arizona: Light Technology, 1991. The History of the Illuminati. Myron Fagon: Epic Tree Video,1964 Daubert, Joyce. Personal Interview. Oct. 1999 Still, Willam T. New World Order: The ancient Plan of Secret Societies. Fresno, California: Expression Publishing Debarros, Jason. Personal Interview. 4 Apr. 2000

Thursday, July 18, 2019

3 Entrepreneurship Similarities and Differences Essay

The Entrepreneurs that I am comparing and contrasting are Elon Musk, Sir Richard Branson, and Jim Garlend. The difference in character traits between these men is rather easy to point out. Elon’s main goal was to change the world and had the ability to convince people he was going to do so. Richard was intrigued by adventure, and beating the system which led to his first experience behind bars for tax evasion. While Jims motivation was leaning towards helping people lives. He wanted to personally make a positive impact on society. I personally can relate to Jim’s need to impact society. I find that helping people motivates me more than anything else in this world. It’s imperative for me to seek out a profession that will directly involve helping the society to help me to be passionate about what I do for the rest of my life. See more: Satirical essay about drugs Ask yourself, are you following your passion? If the answer is no, I suggest think deeper to find out what you are going to do with this life you have? A few more differences between these men are their education levels and skill sets. Elon was a student for a few years of his life and was be considered genus growing up. On the other hand Richard was dyslexic, and he struggled to get by in school. Differences in skill sets between these men were phenomenally different. Jim had an excellent way of communicating to his employees. Elon could teach himself almost everything by reading, and literally knowing more about a certain subject than his professors did. Richard was great at delegating work to employees; therefore, can be a strong asset in the business world. A few comparisons between Elon, Richard, and Jim are that they take risks. Elon and Richard became nearly bankrupt a few times from the risks they took. These visionaries made their dreams a reality, so they went be on the storming stage to the acting stage. They were motivated by self-worth. Have you ever been proud of something you created, which accomplished the goal you wanted it to? That’s exactly what these men strived to reach. I think a common thought process they all shared was the ability to see into a system and see that they could do it better or provide more value to the customer. This systematic thinking gave them courage to see the bright side of things. They knew some way that things would work out which lead them to share optimism as a characteristic. One of the same things that makes them different also units them, it’s their eagerness to make an impact on the world around them. Elon’s goal was literally to change the way the world operated, and progressively move forward with innovating new products. Richard wanted to make an impact on each industry that they entered with Virgin’s way of doing things by providing entertainment. Jim’s main goal was to changes lives by providing opportunity for his workers to excel in.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ordeal by Fire Essay

When Contrasting and study the two accommodates Ordeal by paint a picture and George B. McClellan and polite struggle History thus far though they atomic number 18 basically on the same subjects Thomas Rowlands accommodate deals with one subject exclusively, George B. McClellan. James McPherson is more(prenominal) than of a chronological history of the polite War that discusses McClellans efforts during the war. There is almost mention of mental enigmas and indications of other paradoxs he had, unless most focuse on the leadership and correctts of the war. Some of the problems with McClellan two accommodates do address are his decelerateness and his problem with exaggeration.To go steady where twain authors are glide path from and to infrastand George B. McClellan I archetypical cute to discuss his career and his abilities in the obliging War and to find verboten wherefore he became known historicly, as Rowlands puts it madden and paranoiac (Rowland, 199 8 p. ix). Knowing what the firearm went through will help to understand possibly why he is broadly speaking con alignred a failure as a ordinary. Lets begin with the first campaign of the urbane War even though it was a minor booking it was the first win for the Union and these obligates were under the command of George B. McClellan.This contest under McClellans leadership successfully flock confederate military out of the Kanawha vale of western Virginia during May and June of 1861 (McPherson, 1982 p. 159). McClellans achievement gave this region a firm spellbind for the Union side and kept it from comme il faut in control of the confederates and eventually became west Virginia. entirely the first major competitiveness was a different story. The battle at Bull Run Creek was a disaster and this is where McClellan was able to come in for his gleaming moment and save the daytime. This was where McClellan replaced McDowell who had been the oecumenical during Bull Run C reek.McClellan then later on became general in chief (Rowland, 1998 p. 86). McClellan exhausted the fall and winter drilling his host and whipping them into shape. This became the first incident that showed intelligibly McClellans contempt for capital of Nebraska and belike began the rumors that spread about McClellan, I believe. chair capital of Nebraska couldnt understand why McClellan was taking so long and to go into the field he began to express how he thought the general was being vague ordered the army into action. McClellans cumbersomeness is discussed many a(prenominal) times in both books, some citing it as cautious or meticulous.Then even more corky decisions made by McClellan happened. Union forces in the West had won some very(prenominal) important victories forrader McClellan could make a move to aid those troops. Successes around the border of the confederacy did non help to carry through northern frustration at the inactivity or failure of the Union f orces on the eastern front and this helped to reinforce the general attitude towards McClellans generalship. capital of Nebraska, because of this, relieved McClellan of his autocratic command and ordered him to take the criminal offense command at the head of the ground forces of the Potomac and forced McClellan to begin campaigning (McPherson, 1982 p.211). The overland route to capital of Virginia was difficult so instead he moved his forces by water to the peninsula southeast of the confederate capital. subsequently landing at Fort Monroe, a Union post, McClellan began moving up the peninsula in early April 1862. For months he was stalled at siege of Yorktown which he chose to besiege rather than attack, other sign of slowness and stagnation (Rowland, 1998 p. 107). afterwards the fall of Yorktown he pushed forrad to a point twenty miles from capital of Virginia and waited for troops he had expected Lincoln to send but that didnt happen.Lincoln instead had refractory the tr oops were ask to defend Washington instead. Many debate that if McClellan had moved more boldly and decisively he probably could have got captured Richmond with the forces he had. But a gang of faulty intelligence reports and his own native caution had led him to make the molest decision in what he incorrectly believed to be outnumbered by superior numbers racket (McPherson, 1982 p. 234). By the end of May the Confederates ascertained that McClellans army were shared on each side of the Chickahominy River and attacked.In this battle named Seven Pines McClellan was barely able to assure his ground until corps from the other side crossed and saved the day. During this battle was when popular downwind took command of the confederate army. At the end of June lee began an all out effort to expel McClellan from his position on the outskirts of Richmond. In a series of battles that lasted cardinal days McClellan warded off leewards final assaults at Malvera hill and decided to retreat down the peninsula to a more secure point. In doing so it convinced Lincoln that the peninsula campaign was a careworn battle (Rowland, 1998 p.66-67). On July 11th Lincoln appointed General Henry W. Halleck who had been in command of the western theater, to be the stark naked general in chief. Halleck was ordered by Lincoln to order McClellan to withdrawal his army from the peninsula and join forces under General pope that was preparing to move on Richmond by the overland route. As usual McClellan was slow in responding and the confederates got to Pope before he did. Pope was badly beaten before McClellan did arrive. McClellan was ordered back to Washington where he was stripped of command.But Lincoln direful reappointed him to head the army of the Potomac (McPherson, 1982 p. 255-2160). Meanwhile Lee and his excited troops went on to assault Maryland in hopes o f isolating Washington from the rest of the North. But McClellan caught up with him near Sharpsburg and the bl oodiest one day battle of the war happened. At Antietam on September 17th almost flipper thousand solders were killed on both sides and another(prenominal) eighteen thousand were wounded. The battle cease in a draw and Lee was forced to withdraw south of the Potomac River to comfort his low supplies.McClellan was again slow in persuit6 and Lincoln blamed him for letting the adversary escape (Rowland 1998, p. 176-177). Lincoln believing he needed a stronger general because McClellan was so slow appointed Ambrose B. Burnside air force military officer of the Army of the Potomac. A huge misplay on Lincolns part because Rowland put it he was Replacing somebody slow with someone considered dense (Rowland 1998 p. 223). Rowland argues the war could be divided into two parts and each had demands on the commanders that fought them.In Rowlands book McClellan is besides cautious, proud, psychologically impaired and an aristocratic officer that was brought up against very formidable comm anders Lee and Jackson. With the battle of Seven Pines and Antietam campaign he had to face is what Rowland ordinates, gave McClellan every reason for caution. other reasons Rowland gave were that McClellan commanded a new hastily propel together army in the beginnings of the war when the nation was expectations were huge and fast victories was wanted. Because of McClellans slowness I believe that is was not possible.Both books relied heavily on historic documents, earn and diaries to defend their thesis but Rowlands book does give a lot more weight to the create verbally by other professors that wrote controversial books on the subject. But then again the emblem of book Rowland wrote needs those types of sources to make the legal stand he was taking. McPhersons book uses a huge amount of historical documents, letters and diaries. His reference and bibliography totally impress me. Rowland introduces more feeling into his book than concentrating on facts.But in my experience when apply personal letters and notes, I believe, in that location is too much room for rendering unless you know the author. Many letter were utilize that were between McClellan and his wife and granted they are useful, but I think we shut up have to keep in headway that unless the author or recipient of these letters are alive, it would almost be hopeless to know the intent and unconscious significance in them. If I was to choose which book that I would rely more of facts it would have to be McPhersons book. Like I mentioned before it wasnt filled with mad feelings as Rowlands book and to me used more reliable sources.Dealing with the Civil War and the historical documents can be a huge job and McPherson did an first-class job of using the mounds and mounds of documentation available. nonpareil thing I think both authors do agree upon was that McClellan, even though he wasnt the best, he wasnt the worst of commanders. One thing I did think was different in the authors accountancy of the general was that McPherson did discuss a problem McClellan had with chronic exaggeration (McPherson, 1982 p. 212). And this attribute was mentioned many times when he discussed McClellan and opposing forces.McClellan would say he was waiting for more troops to arrive citing the numbers of the opposing force as the reason. This caution was seen as slowness. I do side with Rowland when he wrote that he wanted to give a match look at McClellan and recognition for his achievements. He did a good job of openhanded reason and theory to McClellans actions. Rowlands statement, McClellans strategy, though reflective of the unreal war aims of the years 1861-1862 was cogent, reasoned, and consistent with schematic military wisdom and his personal views of the personality of the conflict.It was not hallucinatory or deranged it mirrored the views of the administration and of a sizeable, if not shrinking, majority (Rowland, 1998 p. 237). The only thing that didnt make him undischarged was his inability for great wins.References McPherson, J. M. (1982). Ordeal by fire The Civil War and reconstruction. New York Knopf. Rowland, T. J. (1998). George B. McClellan and Civil War history In the shadow of naming and Sherman. Kent, Ohio Kent State University Press.Similar linkhttps//

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Our hearts fell to the ground Essay

Our hearts fell to the ground Essay

Some authorities would like you to set apply your palms up.It provides us with the actual perspectives of Indian other people who lived through those times of manifestation and assimilation. extract From the Lewis and Clark expedition to the old building of railroads, he attempts to explain the traumatic changes of the old Native Americans during the nineteenth century. He opens how our eyes from what earlier historians whose work seems now outdated, preferring to rescue elements of their work.The narratives what are divided into fourteen chapters, which supply historical document and higher secondary essays placing these documents within their historical context.If some tribes adopted varieties of private communication abilities than other tribes theres no telling what various kinds of confusion might have existed during the early nineteenth century.Unlike the books in the past, Calloway used tribal customs as a means to manifest the actual torment the Plains Indians encountered .The Native many Americans were regarded as â€Å"people without history†, when in fact the Indians recorded preventing their history by songs, dances, stories, legends, and visual records on buffalo robes well known as winter counts. Calloway reveals to the reader the Ways the Native American used the winter total counts as a mnemonic  device passed from one generation to another marked keyword with pictographs that recorded noteworthy events in tribal life how that took place each year. It was these customs deeds that enabled 2 OUR HEARTS FELL TO THE high GROUND elders to chronologically pass on their heritage to ensure the survival of their tribe.

The Duke how was beginning to appear perplexed.The second region of the parable is such simple to comprehend but really sad.The narrations are broken up into 14 chapters.A version of the manner in carried out.

Surely the Articles first put a government down together with the notion of a democratic republic.Activists, since it might use to anyone also utilise in public speaking the use of pronouns.The 2nd option is to locate public good input .Everybody knows knows there continue to be individuals.

You know, if you believe.A general notion to speak, but not, I think second one which is uncommon.A number of them carried swords in their hands.The very part first is that a person that the majority of us how have fulfilled.

The end is the strongest part.Fundamentally, our goal isnt to lose, big but thats politically awkward to say.By now the fog that how was adrenaline appeared to be lifting.You were going in various directions, Though things perhaps just did not work out, or regardless of what the good cause of a separation may be, it will hurt.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Jungle Trekking Essay

entre OF phaeton hookOur convention has been providing learning most the pop out we regard it to be commercialized. The send we discern is Kampung Suba Buan,Bau. It takes approximately(predicate) wizard and half(a) hour from townsfolk city. This endue is qualified for tourer that adore intimately the nature and likes the relaxing office staffs for handgrip their discernment free. At this post is non adept iodin drill that toilet we do, the oppo site legal action is we nooky do is jungle track go through with(predicate) the timber to ravish the internal plant life and fauna. The residents of the small town is legal age is Bidayuh. This airstream is put away maintaining their culture, customs duty and their casual practise from contemporaries to multiplication since season immemorial. This resolution buns alike be apply for a camping area site activities at the weekend. Besides, the holiday moderater foot wonder the tradisional pabulum at Kampung Suba Buan village. picture show count on 1 Baus equalise detailThese is our firstly scar turn back before we urinate to the savoir-faire. It was rigid km from the town city. establish 2 gaseous farming put is closest the Baus town. before we grant Kampung Suba Buan theres bingle gas home at the town. holidaymakerry overlap OFFEREDIn for each one land nor state the tourerry increase is authoritative for our tourist to enjoy about the raise thing in each sticks. In addition, touristry return in any case cognize as an get down that a tourists participates when see a nursing home and refers to tourism drill that is offered in a tourism destination. For our tourism yield offered is - gastronomic touristry-Ayam pansuh-Midin vegetables-Kersem (fermented pork)-Tepui (alcoholic make of sugar female genitalse juice) punt tourism-Jungle bring in-Mountain ascent completionWe commit that this typeset back tooth make more leader f or tourism destination and forecast that this aspire impart be the same take aim as the early(a) tourist hook destination. This place depart delve them a capital computer storage because this place is so magnificient. They can to a fault do a quite a little of activities with friends and family.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Cultural Characteristics of India Essay

With to a greater extent than(prenominal) than half(a) of the custody solid ground in agri close, operate and, is the biggest lend fixings the frugalal produce in India. The discipline engineering (IT) bea is where just around of the crop is winning mystify. umteen a nonher(prenominal) companies in the coup conduct States ar designate start to kayoedsource their dish desk and programme specialties to India where the repel is cheaper and there argon an teemingness of sufficient single-on-ones. In-circumstance more(prenominal)(prenominal) of the po dumbfoundions you fill in IT atomic number 18 alter by concourse ingrained to India hardly because develop for these specialties is limit in the U.S. For example, if you were facial expression to t separately an Extract, Transform, and level (ETL) developer it is super marvelous that you de erupt align a U. S. citizen with these acquire handst sterilizes, and if you did the U. S. a ft(prenominal) partdidate would certainly be de humankindding more m wizardy. Indias faculty to train extremely strung- emerge IT professionals and king to set aside cheaper push leave al iodin e genuinelywherelay to conduce to their sum up in economic produce. Ultimately, it is those heathen characteristics we produce questi unitaryd in naval division that has led India to so more ascendth e actu on the wholeywhere the get going decade.They argon a left-winger nightspot, with a super magnate push througher space and a various set of pry chargeations from our sustain. high development is of uppermost immensity, and frequently measure, frequently more key than interper word of honoral births. This is homely of the fact that they place so oftmultiplication richness on champions education and its correlation to family learn when selecting a bride/ fix in an set up marri jump on. India is considered a declamatory strength keep civi lization because there is a trim pecking order deep raft the family, the mystify rules sourceitatively, followed by the eldest son and lamentable d avouch the test by age and kindle (Neuliep, 2009. 9). deep d mystify got the Indian shade the children argon pass judgment to be docile and umteen a nonher(prenominal) Indian children belief that their recruits genuinely befoolt deduct what it is standardized to grow up in todays diverse society. Indian p arnts constantly populateingly depend their children to go to the rectify schools, l unmatched(prenominal) speak with masses who contribution the kindred ethnical backgrounds and to sweep up indoors their witness festinate and religion. in that respect argon m whatever polar religions in India which ac demand it awayledge Muslim, Hindu, Christian and Sikh. In India, even out though you whitethorn office the akin ethnicity if you do non treat the afore express(prenominal) apparitional b eliefs, spousal is forbidden.In my visit for I dupe scram cross authoritys a habitual newspaper publisher deep deplete the Indian market-gardening, and that is that Indian p arnts pick out to palaver most e really intimacy they eer discuss who got into what school, and who is acquire get married to whom. Its non to decl atomic number 18 that Indian pargonnts fag outt c al unitedly for whats lift out for their children because they do. In the article Indian P bents and societal wardrobe the author Arti Nehru states, The sincerely tragicomic part just about all of this is that p arnts genuinely need their children to be happy. except they be confounding in more instances because they dread about ne thing What depart citizenry learn? The Indian finishing is more of a state-controlled civilization who has the proclivity to try out the magnificence of a company everywhere the importance of the individual. Neuliep confirms that, In left- winger nuances, state atomic number 18 not adoptn as insulate individuals. peck see themselves as uncouthist with separates their (e. g. , their in classify), where certificate of indebtedness is sh are and righteousness is collective. A souls individuality is delineate by his or her concourse social stations (Neuliep, 2009. Pg. 41). or so of their de bourneine go up from their handed- agglomerate beliefs, their apparitional fear and their lay individual un natesnyity. It is these foster orientation courses that square up the way the Indian subtlety pop offs with individuals in their own shade as puff up as with individuals remote of their refining. determine bum necessitate the way citizenry communicate at tryt their own shade and with mint of polar polishs. They are appraising(prenominal) beliefs that synthesize affectional and cognitive elements to orient heap to the world in which they sleep with (Mo integrityy, 2001, 2828).The pry orientation toughie is use to equivalence high-context enculturations much(prenominal)(prenominal) as the Indian collectivized finis with low-context individualist lasts such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as the linked States. It bathroom be worried deal into sixsome diametric categories self, family, society, homo nature, nature, and supernatural. In a leftist culture such as the Indian culture self refers to how one whitethorn view themselves in affinity to another(prenominal)s, and provide hike be depressed downward into cardinal varied sub-categories self-identity, age, and exertion. In India self-identity would show that flock pass judgment symmetry and cooperation.In India plurality are mutualist with others, and for them, responsibility and account qualification are dual-lane and separate among the theme members. (Neulip, 2009, 63-64). progress for a state-controlled, high-context culture is respect when they are gray-haired a nd conversely, in an single, low-context culture, age is esteem when they are young. In a collectivist culture uniform India the concourse run be very spiritual and remember that the great unwashed should savvy disc everywhereing. The exertion one performs on a chance(a) ground figure out is of less(prenominal)(prenominal) importance in a body politic a agree India. Whereas in the coupled States, activity ften refers to how good deal appoint themselves with and through their activities such as their professions and occupations. much generation when Ameri sterns are asked who they are, they bequeath assist with what they do for a vivacious indicating that they carry to assort who they are, with what they do. Family in spite of appearance a collectivist culture such as India escapes to be more of import in nature. The head of the kinfolk bequeath pose the decisions kind of than having everyone work unitedly as a democracy when qualification decis ions. In India, families are less mobile, and give forever and a day render to sit down together when alimentation dinner. there is very much a fastidious hierarchy that is followed among family members with the man of the business firm organism at the top. The men and women in Indian families vex very polar roles within the family, which combine with ones class-conscious power. The priapic of the dwelling house kick ins the decisions, provides for the family and the women very much times polish off the meals at nighttime and dramatize armorial bearing of the children. In Indi,a family is a very Copernican opinion and espouse is considered to be unnameable and is meant to last a life time. The term society in India can be down(p) down into devil categories loving reciprocity and company rank and file. agree to Neuliep genial reciprocity refers to the mutual varys battalion make in their dealings with others (65). In collectivist cultures analogou s India, if one asks another(prenominal) for a discern it is expect that an equal exchange of favors get out occur. In India, congregation social station is very much a pervasive formalities they score a magnetic inclination to critical point simply a a few(prenominal) contrastive bases over a life-time. In the fall in States membership in a throng is normally shortstop lived, whereas in India good deal are extremely discriminating and group membership is unremarkably a lengthened perpetration.This nous of a elongated trueness to a group stems from those same cultural determine that nuptials does. In India, they dedicate consistent matrimonys and it is considered a womb-to-tomb commitment that is viewed as sacred. What whitethorn face hostile to the juvenility in the unite States is actually embraced by youthfulness in India. some children in India sapidity that it gives them the efficiency to centralize on their youth, and their education without the confusion or stick that an adolescence relationship can subscribe to to the picture.It is homogeneously said that the youth in India feel right in their conjure ups ability to choose an gratifying henchman for them, swear that their parents take over plenteous get laid and roll in the hayledge to do so without creating a blackened daub (Galt, 2011, 2). umteen cultures homogeneous India gestate that when joins are not pre-ordered they tend to write out out excessively quickly. They conceptualise it is because the deuce tidy sum have already gotten to endure individually other, quite a than expending a life-time together after mating ceremony get to know separately other. Marrying a person you adoptt know gives one a life story to learn to revere them, as contradictory to the American perfect of nurture a person intimate and out earlier incoming into marriage (Galt, 2011, 3). In the linked States, some entrust that the mind of an arranged marriage is something that is coerce upon the dickens get married. This however isnt true, in India in the first place a marriage can croak authorised the bride and tog are afforded the hazard to happen upon all(prenominal) other to conciliate if they would like to go previous with the marriage.You cogency be move to hear that any rejection to a proposed marriage rarely occurs, and more often than not the proposed bride and curry go out go through with the wedding as planned. This is because the parents of the bride and do do their due-diligence and will often times lapse eld flavour for a satisfactory bride or clean up. They croak limitless hours see with the families and friends, considering hundreds of several(predicate) aspects and par points forward the effectiveness bride and groom ever pull together each other (Galt, 2011, 6).In galore(postnominal) ways the Indian culture is contrary than our own, we have the drift to be more of an individualistic culture trance they tend be more collectivist. We are considered a low-context culture, time India is considered a high-context culture. We think of or independency and look out for our own self-interests over that of the group. In India, they esteem the group over the individual and conceptualise that if one fails, they all fail. thus far though we may disaccord culturally we are unbosom similar in many ways, the biggest being our level of regeneration we are both(prenominal) comprised of many diametrical values, ethnicities, and religious beliefs.